
Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Past (Part 1)

I don't know why, but today i think the reason why i choose Information Technology in University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

In the past, i really want to study in Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, department of industrial design, especially Visual Communication Design. But i failed in SNMPTN 2012.

Some people said that they doubt my ability, but i always believe that i can pass it. And in the fact is i didn’t accepted. Sometimes in the deep of my heart, i still expect to be accepted.

On June 2012, before i know that i failed in SNMPTN, i also try to register in some universities, such as ITS (again), UMM, and ITN. Although it just for the second choice, but i always try to give the best as long as i can. And you know what? I get it, all of them.

At the time, i went from Surabaya to Malang alone, it’s the second time. Because i have to register in ITN and UMM. Actually, i don’t really remember that moment but i try to remember again. In Malang, i live in the dormitory of West Borneo’s student for 2 days.

To be continued.... (someday)~


  1. Ur loyal visitor coming again. hohohoh
    Sometimes people just look at our abilities of what we've achieved. but they dont know how our efforts to achieve that. I also never failed in some Perguruan Tinggi Kedinasan. :) So, keep moving forward and prove that you're not as people imagine.

  2. hahaha thx for being my loyal visitor :p
    i'll keep move up \m/


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